I'll be honest, I wasn't even going to write about this for a multitude of reasons, 1 of them mostly being the fact that it's only been reported by roughly everyone outside of Jim Cramer, but hey, he may help with the stock profile of Wachovia after it's completly empty in a month.
But, that being said, you all come here becasue you want to find out the best reads on subjects. Some coming form me, most from others with far more insight than I. So I'll hit ya with my knowledge, then link the shit out of this, as there are some cats out there spittin knowledge on all things NBA. Which in this case, AI/Denver being the center of the leagues universe.
As far as everyone saying Denver robbed the Sixers, etc. is flat wrong. Of COURSE the sixers are going to "lose" on this trade, they just traded 1 of the top 20 players the game has ever seen in a position of ZERO strength. The whole damn league knew AI had to go, it was basically a fire sale. Getting .75 on the dollar had to be considered a success in this case, and I believe Billy King did that. Don't sleep on Andre Miller, he led Utah to the Final 4, led the league in assists in 2001, a borderline All Star, and is an above average point guard. The best Philly has seen in over a decade. He doesn't do anything great, and will never be considered great. His j isn't going to make you respect it, and he doesn't "see" the game in order to create. But he takes what's there, he can blow by you to penetrate, he takes the pass when it's there, and has a solid mid-range game. The great pg's create, they see the game in a way most do not, and it's impossible to explain it. They don't let the game come to them, they see whats GOING to happen in the future, and MAKE the game so. it's why the Nash's, Paul's, Magic's, Robertson's, Kidd's are truly special.
But I'm waxing poetic as to how I define the beauty of this game, let's get back to basics. Miller is not "that guy", but will be the best we've seen in a while, and will be a good fit for Mo Cheeks. Also Joe Smith will at least give the Sixers a body to pound down low with, and best part about him? No, it's not that he was a Terp, it's the fact his contract expires after this season. Which is the equivilent of the Sixers discovering a diamond mine in Section 228. It's priceless to them, the ones stuck in salary cap hell.
Now the draft picks, the glorious draft picks. Speaking hypthetically here, Denevr's pick doesn't mean too damn much. If the AI trade completly blows up in Denver's face (possib as well, considering Karl is a Larry Brown disiple, and we know how that started wih AI in Philly) and it's just an interesting dynamic they have working there now. AI will be the alpha male for 15 games, then magically defer to Melo? Don't think so. But here could be the REAL deal maker in this.... the Sixers acquire the rights to Golden State's first round pick. They are currently 2 games under .500, and no real promise to improve, especially in the West. That now gives the Sixers 2 chances in the Greg Oden lottery. And freaking imagine if they land Oden AND Durrant? My GAWD, thats just silly.
Overall? I'm sad to see Iverson leave as a fan. Meant a lot and have memories of him to last me my entire Sixer fandom. But I do realize a change was in order, and considering how much the organization was in dire straights, this gives promise to the future. It's what the Sixers DO with this promise that will be the ultimate determination on if this was really worth it.
Now, on to some nba heads I give mad propers to, this covers about all the ground you could want...
http://freedarko.blogspot.com/2006/12/and-so-story-goes.html - best i've read.
http://www.aolsportsblog.com/2006/12/19/nba-roundtable-on-the-iverson-trade-part-1/ - read all parts for the most comprehensive piece I've seen. Love the idea of the t-shirt with nothing but 3/17/06. Read to find out why.....
I'm headed up to the Wachovia tonight, I'm interested to see the buzz this may or may not create. Interesting for sure, AI, we'll miss ya. Here's a toast for the future though.......
But, that being said, you all come here becasue you want to find out the best reads on subjects. Some coming form me, most from others with far more insight than I. So I'll hit ya with my knowledge, then link the shit out of this, as there are some cats out there spittin knowledge on all things NBA. Which in this case, AI/Denver being the center of the leagues universe.
As far as everyone saying Denver robbed the Sixers, etc. is flat wrong. Of COURSE the sixers are going to "lose" on this trade, they just traded 1 of the top 20 players the game has ever seen in a position of ZERO strength. The whole damn league knew AI had to go, it was basically a fire sale. Getting .75 on the dollar had to be considered a success in this case, and I believe Billy King did that. Don't sleep on Andre Miller, he led Utah to the Final 4, led the league in assists in 2001, a borderline All Star, and is an above average point guard. The best Philly has seen in over a decade. He doesn't do anything great, and will never be considered great. His j isn't going to make you respect it, and he doesn't "see" the game in order to create. But he takes what's there, he can blow by you to penetrate, he takes the pass when it's there, and has a solid mid-range game. The great pg's create, they see the game in a way most do not, and it's impossible to explain it. They don't let the game come to them, they see whats GOING to happen in the future, and MAKE the game so. it's why the Nash's, Paul's, Magic's, Robertson's, Kidd's are truly special.
But I'm waxing poetic as to how I define the beauty of this game, let's get back to basics. Miller is not "that guy", but will be the best we've seen in a while, and will be a good fit for Mo Cheeks. Also Joe Smith will at least give the Sixers a body to pound down low with, and best part about him? No, it's not that he was a Terp, it's the fact his contract expires after this season. Which is the equivilent of the Sixers discovering a diamond mine in Section 228. It's priceless to them, the ones stuck in salary cap hell.
Now the draft picks, the glorious draft picks. Speaking hypthetically here, Denevr's pick doesn't mean too damn much. If the AI trade completly blows up in Denver's face (possib as well, considering Karl is a Larry Brown disiple, and we know how that started wih AI in Philly) and it's just an interesting dynamic they have working there now. AI will be the alpha male for 15 games, then magically defer to Melo? Don't think so. But here could be the REAL deal maker in this.... the Sixers acquire the rights to Golden State's first round pick. They are currently 2 games under .500, and no real promise to improve, especially in the West. That now gives the Sixers 2 chances in the Greg Oden lottery. And freaking imagine if they land Oden AND Durrant? My GAWD, thats just silly.
Overall? I'm sad to see Iverson leave as a fan. Meant a lot and have memories of him to last me my entire Sixer fandom. But I do realize a change was in order, and considering how much the organization was in dire straights, this gives promise to the future. It's what the Sixers DO with this promise that will be the ultimate determination on if this was really worth it.
Now, on to some nba heads I give mad propers to, this covers about all the ground you could want...
http://freedarko.blogspot.com/2006/12/and-so-story-goes.html - best i've read.
http://www.aolsportsblog.com/2006/12/19/nba-roundtable-on-the-iverson-trade-part-1/ - read all parts for the most comprehensive piece I've seen. Love the idea of the t-shirt with nothing but 3/17/06. Read to find out why.....
I'm headed up to the Wachovia tonight, I'm interested to see the buzz this may or may not create. Interesting for sure, AI, we'll miss ya. Here's a toast for the future though.......
Update: I've found out that the Golden State 1st round pick was given to them in a trade with Dallas. Denver picked it up with the Najera trade in 2005. So it isn't Golden State's 1st, it's Dallas', which in turn basically blows. So the 2 1st rounders they will acquire in this trade is Denver (who is going to be helped immensly with AI) and Dallas' who just may go back to the NBA Finals).
The lesson? As always, Billy King is an idiot.
If you caught any of the coverage last night (cue Action News theme song*)... you would have noticed that NO ONE was happy with the trade - no smiles. Not Stoic Snider, not AI's possee driving the Maybach, not even FrankeKarl...
F me if I'm wrong, but doesn't at least one party in a trade usually end up pretty happy? ie the kid who got the Cool Ranch Doritos for the pack of Craisins?
It hurts. What hurts most is that it will take years to see the true outcome of this trade. Right around the time we all will appreciate what Allen really meant to the squad, his teamates, and the city of Philthy-delphia.
*considering getting the mixer out of the attic and making an "Underground Action Techno News" remix of the theme song
While it was nearly impossible NOT to catch coverage, I missed the local stuff, the thought of Eskin makes me want to do shots of bleach.
I think this trade was SO big that no one really knows what to think yet. George Karl has had himself a hell of a week. From damn nearing cracking Zeke in the mouth, to now getting the most unique player in the NBA, adjusting his gameplan with his star being out 15 games, etc.
I know this much... Billy King and Ed Snider were ALL smiles last night. I'm fairly certain they are pleased.
I'm not so sure it will take that long for the fans to appreciate this trade. The number 1 pick this year is truly winning the lottery, as Oden is the most dominant player I've seen in my lifetime, comparable to the Walton's and kareem's of UCLA. He's shooting 90% for christsakes.
Not to mention that Durant could be KG reincarnated, and the Chinaman and Noah could be all star caliber players.
While Oden may be the Cool Ranch, there are about 5 others who are most def some Pringles or sum Fun-yuns.
I really don't see a down side to Tech'ing out the dun-dun-dun-dun DUN DUN DUN. (enter trumpets).....
Add a dance, and you have your own heizman boyz. Sounds like something West Philly would cream themselves over.
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