Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Yes, all of these things actually happened...

To try and recover from the mood of the last post, I'm going to skip all of the stuff about Bob Knight breaking Dean Smith's record, a day of bowl games, the NFL playoffs, etc. and go straight to some things that truly can only be dreamed about by males 13 and up, and some choice females as well... behold my friends, we have found some moments in time that will have our brains occupied for a longgggg time.....

Yeah, thats a USC song girl um, well, yeah, I'll just repeat the begining of my sentence, this is a USC song girl. Feel free to watch the video clip of this if you don't believe this went down at the Rose Bowl yesterday after the jump...

Um, I'm not quite sure how to put this, as I realize that I was drinking well, a mini-bar worth of stuff the last couple days, but this is Jessica Alba. Playing Football. In a bikini. Things like this are proof, of well, everything that is good with life. Like I'm even going to ask, but if you would like to see the rest of the photos, really, who DOESN'T, hit the comments after the jump.

1 comment:

rand said...

Get kleenex's...


USC Co-Ed...